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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tip of the Day: Breaking Out Of The Loop

Stuck at the iPlus screen at need to start over? Use iPlus to enter Recover or DFU mode.

Just launch a terminal window in Mac or Windows and issue these commands:

On Windows
ipdo -R (for recovery)
ipdo -D (for DFU)

On a Mac, put a "./" before the command
./ipdo -R (for recovery)
./ipdo -D
 (for DFU)


YuckFou said...

What is the command if you just want to jailbreak only, and install the installer app? is it -J?
C:\iplus2\iplus -j

Meindert Jan Boekel said...

End what would be the tip of the day in order to get out of the DFU loop? cause i'm in it, restore in iTunes won't finish without error, i then have to restart iphone but it keeps restarting in DFU mode...